Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Internet's Reactions to Students' Reactions to Wikipedia's Blackout

had to share this experience (before i tout the wonders of #flipclass tomorrow):

received a very polite email from a student last night.

"I missed class and have uploaded my assignment and watched the video [blogger's note: FLIPCLASS RULES]. I tried to do some more research but Wikipedia is blocked. Do you know why? I figured you would and I was just curious."

1. He was on the page.
2. The second to last line on the wikipedia blackout page was "LEARN MORE"
3. Who needs a "3"? Seriously? CLICK THE LINK!

In a world where some educators bemoan the use of wikipedia as making it too easy for students, I think it is important that we make sure, as educators, that we point out some of the obvious bad habits in our culture.

Part of our job is to create the informed citizenry of tomorrow. We owe it to them (and ourselves) to make sure they don't get to take the easy way out.

Audrey Watters has some great tweets posted here:
The Internet's Reactions to Students' Reactions to Wikipedia's Blackout:

'via Blog this'

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